228 research outputs found

    A guided search non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for the multi-objective university course timetabling problem

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    Copyright @ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.The university course timetabling problem is a typical combinatorial optimization problem. This paper tackles the multi-objective university course timetabling problem (MOUCTP) and proposes a guided search non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm to solve the MOUCTP. The proposed algorithm integrates a guided search technique, which uses a memory to store useful information extracted from previous good solutions to guide the generation of new solutions, and two local search schemes to enhance its performance for the MOUCTP. The experimental results based on a set of test problems show that the proposed algorithm is efficient for solving the MOUCTP

    Improved Squeaky Wheel Optimisation for Driver Scheduling

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    This paper presents a technique called Improved Squeaky Wheel Optimisation for driver scheduling problems. It improves the original Squeaky Wheel Optimisations effectiveness and execution speed by incorporating two additional steps of Selection and Mutation which implement evolution within a single solution. In the ISWO, a cycle of Analysis-Selection-Mutation-Prioritization-Construction continues until stopping conditions are reached. The Analysis step first computes the fitness of a current solution to identify troublesome components. The Selection step then discards these troublesome components probabilistically by using the fitness measure, and the Mutation step follows to further discard a small number of components at random. After the above steps, an input solution becomes partial and thus the resulting partial solution needs to be repaired. The repair is carried out by using the Prioritization step to first produce priorities that determine an order by which the following Construction step then schedules the remaining components. Therefore, the optimisation in the ISWO is achieved by solution disruption, iterative improvement and an iterative constructive repair process performed. Encouraging experimental results are reported

    A Classification of Hyper-heuristic Approaches

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    The current state of the art in hyper-heuristic research comprises a set of approaches that share the common goal of automating the design and adaptation of heuristic methods to solve hard computational search problems. The main goal is to produce more generally applicable search methodologies. In this chapter we present and overview of previous categorisations of hyper-heuristics and provide a unified classification and definition which captures the work that is being undertaken in this field. We distinguish between two main hyper-heuristic categories: heuristic selection and heuristic generation. Some representative examples of each category are discussed in detail. Our goal is to both clarify the main features of existing techniques and to suggest new directions for hyper-heuristic research

    Designing difficult office space allocation problem instances with mathematical programming

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    Office space allocation (OSA) refers to the assignment of room space to a set of entities (people, machines, roles, etc.), with the goal of optimising the space utilisation while satisfying a set of additional constraints. In this paper, a mathematical programming approach is developed to model and generate test instances for this difficult and important combinatorial optimisation problem. Systematic experimentation is then carried out to study the difficulty of the generated test instances when the parameters for adjusting space misuse (overuse and underuse) and constraint violations are subject to variation. The results show that the difficulty of solving OSA problem instances can be greatly affected by the value of these parameters

    Discovering beneficial cooperative structures for the automatic construction of heuristics

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    The current research trends on hyper-heuristics design have sprung up in two different flavours: heuristics that choose heuristics and heuristics that generate heuristics. In the latter, the goal is to develop a problem-domain independent strategy to automatically generate a good performing heuristic for specific problems, that is, the input to the algorithm are problems and the output are problem-tailored heuristics. This can be done, for example, by automatically selecting and combining different low-level heuristics into a problemspecific and effective strategy. Thus, hyper-heuristics raise the level of generality on automated problem solving by attempting to select and/or generate tailored heuristics for the problem in hand. Some approaches like genetic programming have been proposed for this. In this paper, we report on an alternative methodology that sheds light on simple methodologies that efficiently cooperate by means of local interactions. These entities are seen as building blocks, the combination of which is employed for the automated manufacture of good performing heuristic search strategies.We present proof-of-concept results of applying this methodology to instances of the well-known symmetric TSP. The goal here is to demonstrate feasibility rather than compete with state of the art TSP solvers. This TSP is chosen only because it is an easy to state and well known problem

    Exact/heuristic hybrids using rVNS and hyperheuristics for workforce scheduling

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    In this paper we study a complex real-world workforce scheduling problem. We propose a method of splitting the problem into smaller parts and solving each part using exhaustive search. These smaller parts comprise a combination of choosing a method to select a task to be scheduled and a method to allocate resources, including time, to the selected task. We use reduced Variable Neighbourhood Search (rVNS) and hyperheuristic approaches to decide which sub problems to tackle. The resulting methods are compared to local search and Genetic Algorithm approaches. Parallelisation is used to perform nearly one CPU-year of experiments. The results show that the new methods can produce results fitter than the Genetic Algorithm in less time and that they are far superior to any of their component techniques. The method used to split up the problem is generalisable and could be applied to a wide range of optimisation problems
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